Fedora Podcast 004 — Fedora Documentation

Jared Smith

Jared Smith

Episode 004 of the Fedora Podcast is now available. Episode 004 features a core member of the documentation team Jared Smith. Jared, former Fedora Project Leader, is also a member of FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee) and core member of the documentation team in the Fedora Project.

In this episode, Jared talks about the documentation subproject, the new tools, the translation system, and the hopes and future of the documentation in the Fedora Project.

In addition to listening above, episode 004 is also available on Soundcloud, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Simplecast, Spotify and x3mboy’s site. Full transcripts of Episode 004 are available here. Transcripts are also available for previous episodes!

For this episode we have a new look! Thanks to the design team for this awesome work! Also, we are now available in Spotify.

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You can subscribe to the podcast in Simplecast, follow the Fedora Podcast on Soundcloud, on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify or periodically check the author’s site on fedorapeople.org.


This podcast is made with the following free software: Audacity, and espeak.

The following audio files are also used: Soft echo sweep by bay_area_bob and The Spirit of Nøkken by johnnyguitar01.

Fedora Project community Interviews

1 Comment

  1. Anatoli Babenia

    Is there any automation for producing transcripts?

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