New Spanish dictionaries available in Fedora

One of the biggest success stories in open source is its support for users from all around the world. The hunspell spell checker project is a great example.Hunspell accesses dictionaries in dozens of languages to allow users to check the spelling of their work. These dictionaries receive updates from contributors so the native languages are up to date with their coverage.

This spell checker is used in major applications such as LibreOffice and Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird. It’s even used by some proprietary apps like Google Chrome and MacOS.

Recently, the Spanish hunspell dictionaries in the upcoming Fedora 28 release were updated to cover a large number of Spanish dialects. Fedora users who speak and use these dialects now have dictionaries that accurately cover their usage.

In the Fedora 28 Beta, which is soon to be released, use this command with sudo to show all the available dialects:

sudo dnf list hunspell-es\*

To install the Salvadoran dialect, for instance, run this command:

sudo dnf install hunspell-es-SV

Featured image includes Journey to the Center of the Earth (sample book pages in Spanish).jpg licenced CC BY SA 4.0 from the Wikimedia Commons

New in Fedora


  1. You don’t need to use “sudo” to run “dnf list”.

    • @Alexander: That’s correct, but if you do, you’ll operate from the current cache rather than having to pull an additional one as a normal user.

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