Recently the decision was made to retire Taiga. This means a major change in the tool the Fedora Magazine editorial team uses to handle tracking all the excellent articles our loyal contributors write for you. This short article describes what this change requires.
New Tool
The Fedora Magazine editorial is an effort shared by several people at any time. Continuing some means of tracking the effort is necessary. Pagure is the replacement choice since it serves very much the same purpose as Taiga. In addition, Pagure currently tracks the Fedora Magazine “feature images”.
Two efforts are required to make this transition. The first, and major one, is moving the existing articles from Taiga to Pagure with the same status, author assignments, and commentary. This task is completed. All the “unclaimed” article “IDEAS” have been moved. All the cards that were “in progress” have also moved. The authors have been alerted via comments (and Taiga generated email messages) about the transition and newly assigned Pagure numbers.
The second effort is updating the Fedora Magazine documentation to reflect the change to Pagure and to address some process changes necessary to use Pagure. The transition is not a one-to-one swap. Some modifications are necessary. The overall process, however, is still the same. The documentation is currently under revision and will be completed soon.
What it looks like
The new Pagure Kanban interface appears similar to the Taiga version:

As before, upon approval of an idea, a “card” (or “issue”) is created for it. The new card appears in the “IDEAS” column. When the author starts writing, the editors move it to the the “IN-PROGRESS” column. The card progresses through all five stages, with appropriate notification added along the way by author and editor. The editors will update the kanban status as required. When the WordPress article is scheduled for publication, the card is moved to the final “SCHEDULED” state and is considered closed.
More detail on this process is available at the Fedora Magazine site.
Here is your opportunity
You may have notice in the Pagure kanban image that there are few items in the “REVIEW” and “TO-EDIT”. If you have an interest in writing an article, we look forward to your contribution. Any of the topics shown in the “IDEAS” or “STALLED” columns could be yours for the asking. If you have your own idea, that would be great, as well.
In either case, the place to start is at the Fedora Magazine Discourse forum. Simply start a New Topic and ask about an existing article by number, or provide a brief (or not so brief) description of your proposed article. The editors will respond.
There are resources available to help you start and the editorial staff is here to provide assistance. We will be glad to answer any question you may have along the way.
CEO type of looking at this Linux Container. This container seems to be designed by Red Hat Inc, which users Fedora Linux as a community development section for the 3 versions of official Red Hat Linux.
Pagure therefore needs extra compilations from source code, to work with the others in the Red Hat family, CentOS etc.
As usual, other Linux systems also using the RPM package manager (PCLOS, etc) have traditional Linux problems of Linux incompatibility.
In Linux terms, CONTAINERS in theory, should be working on most Linux operating systems. Not true however. Flatpak was started be Red Hat, to eventually be more successful than Canonical’s “Snap”, and appimage.
Pagure theoretically should also be available for most Linux systems, similar to Flatpak, one day. At this stage, it seems to not be ready to move to the bulk of Linux operating systems. Will Red Hat ever prepare this innovation for the remainder of the Linux systems? Probably this matter is undecided.
Gregory Bartholomew
Yes, Pagure is an in-house Red Hat product. I don’t think this article is recommending that it be used for development outside of the Fedora/Red Hat ecosystem. There are plenty of other git forges available for projects outside of the Red Hat environment (Redmine, GitLab, GitHub, etc.). The main reason that Pagure was chosen by Fedora Magazine is that it uses the same account system (FAS) that other parts of the Fedora Magazine workflow use (namely,,, and GitLab also supports authentication through the Fedora Account System. But because many users already have accounts on that system, the mapping between account names isn’t strictly one-to-one. Having different account names in various places complicates the workflow when, for example, the editors need to look up whether or not a user has signed the Fedora Project Contributor Agreement. Also, there is some automation during Fedora Magazine meetings via a chatbot that relies on the account names being consistent between the various systems when performing REST API queries.
Hope that answers your questions. 🙂
Norman Fuehner
I have Red Hat 32 and there are a lot of great things about the program that I realy do like! But since I only have a limited knowledge of Linux and I only use a few parts of the Red Hat program, I realy like the way it is set up! I started using it when it was series 18 and worked my way up to 32 and there are a lot I just don’t know about it. But I am 73 years old and I have four computers and three has Red Hat and one has windows 10 that I realy hate, I only have it for one certain program and I only use it for that one program! Thank guys!!!
Hans Maerker
Welcome to the ’70+’ club, Norman. I hear you. My situation is somewhat similar. I started with MS DOS on a PC in the early 80ties. Battled Win from W95 all the way to W10. I finally had enough when MS messed the forced updates up in some areas of the globe [and gave me the ‘Blue Screen’ twice in a row. I kicked Win10 off my PC, installed Linux Mint instead, and got me feet wet with Linux for the first time in my life.
Liked it so much that I took Win10 off my other small Dell 11″ Inspiron. That one wasn’t compatible with Mint and I tried Fedora 34. Worked fine, and I upgraded to v35 once it was available.
My wife’s PC still runs on Win10 as most of her online games [in Steam] are not Linux compatible. Now I have to maintain 3 different systems. 🙁 My main workhorse with Mint, the ‘ little’ one with Fedora 35, and my wife’s PC with Win10.
Can’t wait to get this one on Linux too, but that depends on Linux distros, getting up to speed with games on Steam. Games are not the strength of Linux but it’s gaining ground.
I’m happy with both Linux OS and never looked back. Should have done this years ago. A big “Thank You” to everybody who works on Fedora OS to improve it and to keep it stable. It is my lifeline in these Covid/Corona virus times.