Contribute to Rawhide Test Days – DNF 5

fedora 42 DNF5

Fedora Rawhide test days are events where anyone can help make sure changes in Fedora Linux work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events. If you’ve never contributed to Fedora Linux before, this is a perfect way to get started.

For some time, we have been trying to elevate the quality of Fedora by testing things well ahead of time. The Fedora Changes process lets people submit changesets well before the release process starts and many developers try their best to create a timeline for the new changes to land. We in the Quality team figured out we should also be able to execute test days for the changesets, which are crucial for us and will likely help us identify bugs very early. This will ensure a smoother and cleaner release process and also help us stay on track with on-time releases.

To kick off this effort, we would like to start with testing DNF 5, which is a changeset proposed for Fedora Linux 41. Since the brand new dnf5 package has landed in rawhide, we would like to organize a test week to get some initial feedback on it before it becomes the default. We will be testing DNF5 according to its basic acceptance criteria to iron out any rough edges.

The test days will be Friday, March 15th through Tuesday, March 19th. The test week page is available here.

Happy testing, and we hope to see you on one of the test days.

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  1. Recommend you install Fedora 38?

    • I don’t understand the question.

      Oh, I see:

      Testing DNF from a live environment is difficult and will likely wind up with the system exhausting available RAM and failing in strange ways, so we recommend you install Fedora 38 for this Test Week, or run a Fedora 38 container using Docker or Podman.

      Instead of “Fedora 38” that should probably be “current stable Fedora Linux release”.

  2. Grandpa Leslie Satenstein

    Fedora 38 should really be Fedora Rawhide 41.
    DNF5 will be out for Fedora 41.

    I have tested dnf5 and so far, for what I did with it, it works well. It seems trivially faster, but that extra speed could be attributed to a faster host web site.

  3. Leo Newton

    What a coincidence this is when my rawhide desktop broke and I replaced it with Silverblue 40. Well I mainly broke it with a bad snapper setup, only because I got a kernel update that broke audio.

  4. Truls Gulbrandsen

    I think have made the testing on the wrong premises. I followed the instructions on the testsides. When instructed to test using DNF5 I used DNFf and when instructed to usin DNF i used DNF.
    Haviving reviewed my respns I was wondering whether to the part with DNF overgain
    A also did no upgrade to Rawhid during this exersice I should porbably duin so,

    I shall try toworrow.

    My username: trugul

  5. Luna bittin Jernberg

    Gonna help with this today

  6. Andre Gompel

    On Fedora 39 I have used motly DNF4, and tried DNF5
    DNF5 Worked fine (for my limited use), however the samd command :
    dnf history list
    did not give the same results at all, I tried to find where the history is “stored & retrieved from”, but no luck there.

    It is my view, that ideally dnf4 and dnf5 should be able to use the same history…provided it is simple & doable, at least for some time.
    Thanks for the attention, and perhaps your related comments.

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