Fedora is a big project, and it’s hard to keep up with everything. This series highlights interesting happenings in five different areas every week. It isn’t comprehensive news coverage — just quick summaries with links to each. Here are the five things for March 25th, 2015:
Join us at Flock (and book your hotel now)
Every year, we have a big planning and developers’ conference, Flock. It alternates between Europe and North America, and this time around will be at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York, from August 12th to 15th. Flock organizers just announced that hotel reservations are open, as are talk submission. If you’re an active contributor or are interested in becoming one, start planning your trip now!
Or, come to FUDCon in Pune, India
In addition to Flock, we also hold annual gatherings in the Asia/Pacific (APAC) and Latin America (LATAM) regions. These are FUDCons — Fedora User and Developer Conferences. This year’s APAC FUDCon will be held in Pune, India from June 26th to 28th.
Talk submissions for this conference are closed and the selection committee working on choosing the best from over 140 submissions. There will also be a BarCamp-style track, where sessions will be chosen by attendees at the conference.
A limited amount of money is available for travel subsidies. See the FUDCon planning wiki for details.
Help with the F22 release notes
Fedora 22 is almost at the beta stage, with the final release slated for May. That means it’s time to start writing the release notes, and Fedora Documentation Project Lead Pete Travis put out a call for volunteers on the Fedora Join List. As Pete notes, this is a great, low-barrier way to get involved in Fedora — you don’t need a lot of prior knowledge, just a little bit of interest in some piece of software we include.
A more friendly ‘net presence for Fedora
This morning, Máirín Duffy led a brainstorming session on the topic of enabling new contributors, with the eventual goal of developing a modern Web interface to all aspects of the project for contributors, both new and already deeply involved. Mo wrote a great summary blog post afterward, and I highly recommend reading it if you’re interested in bringing more contributors to Fedora — or just improving your own workflows and interactions.
Google Summer of Code
And finally, a reminder that Fedora is participating in the Google Summer of Code. The application deadline is March 27 at 19:00 UTC; please check out Fedora’s GSOC 2015 page if you’re interested in being involved.