Test drive GNOME 3.18 in Fedora 23 Beta

Earlier today, the GNOME project announced the release of GNOME 3.18, the next version of the default desktop environment available in Fedora Workstation. The best and easiest way to try out GNOME 3.18 for yourself is to use the freshly released Beta version of Fedora 23 Workstation. GNOME 3.18 has over 25,000 changes, updates and new features contributed by over 770 contributors:

Updates to Files

Files (aka Nautilus) in GNOME 3.18 is one of the default applications that has been given a lot of attention for this release, including improved folder creation, easier file and folder renaming, UI feedback on file operations like copying files, and Google Drive integration


Files (aka Nautilus) in GNOME 3.18

Firmware Updates

The Linux Vendor Firmware Service is now integrated in GNOME 3.18, and will notify you if there are firmware updates available for your hardware (e.g. BIOS updates), and allow you to install them from the Software Application.


New Applications

There are also a bunch new stable and tech preview apps from the GNOME team, including Calendar, Characters, and Todo


Be sure to check out the Release Notes, Other improvements page and the Release Announcement from the GNOME Project for more details on what is in the new release.

Using Software


  1. msx

    Totally off-topic: I love the new wallpaper.

  2. Lwd

    What about wayland?

  3. ifoolb

    I too am wondering when wayland will be ready.

    • Check out this recent blog entry from Christian Schaller concerning Wayland.

      • ifoolb

        It seems close, good! Glad to see firefox ported, and for this reason I upgraded to 23 beta. But strangely gnome terminal is even worse under wayland than its older version, the UI is nearly broken. Hope this will be resolved in final release.

  4. The embedded video starts at a minute in. 🙂

  5. Jim

    Has the firmware update command been available at least since Fedora 22 or are these both new to 23?

    • @Jim: I believe the command line tool was made available to F22, but the integration into Software has been targeted at F23.

      • JIm

        Hi Paul, I confirmed the command line tool is available for install. Package name is fwupd.

        Thanks for responding Paul. 🙂

  6. helari

    i tried Google Drive integration, but its not working. i upgraded to fedora 23 and latest gnome 3.18, online accounts are set, but no any luck to get google drive integration. maybe it is working only with clean install..

  7. jonboi

    Upgraded from fedora 22 from command line with no problems

    #dnf system-upgrade download –releasever=23
    #dnf system-upgrade reboot

    Congrats to all! Seems a great release for a beta!

  8. Hakamy

    Is there any way to play MP3 with this Beta version?

    • msx

      I’m afraid we’ll have to wait a bit for that…

      • Hakamy

        I accustomed to use RPM Fusion in order to install proprietary stuffs. Yet, it seems Fedora 23 Beta doesn’t support the 22nd version of RPM Fusion.

    • MP3 is sadly not supported out-of-the-box on Fedora (it never has been supported in Fedora), due to Legal / Patent issues. This wikipage has futher details about MP3 in Fedore — https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Multimedia/MP3

    • I enabled rpmfusion for rawhide, installed lame and mpg123 and some gstreamer stuff. Videos and mpg123 can play mp3 but not rhythmbox so far. C’est La Vie

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