Last month at flock, we reported on GNOME and Fedora developer Matthias Clasen’s talk on the replacement for the X display server, Wayland. Now on his blog, Matthias has provided a brief update on the status of Wayland support in GNOME 3.14 (the version of GNOME that will ship with Fedora 21).
In this development cycle, the GNOME Developers have added support for keyboard layouts, drag & drop, and support for touch devices. Also there is an impressive number of applications that natively support GNOME Wayland including nautilus, gedit and GNOME Software.
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Hi my name is Chris Roberts. I am an avid user of Fedora and Red Hat Linux. I am one of the wiki administrators my job is to improve search and help keep our wiki organized. I also work in the Marketing, Design, and Websites team. You can basically say I wear many Fedora hats lol. I enjoy thinking of new ideas, and creating documents for the Fedora Project. I have avid experience in C++, C, Java, HTML. One of the biggest things that I enjoy is helping people learn Fedora, and trying to resolve any issues that they may have. I am always looking to meet new people and network.