Getting ready for an exciting 2023

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

[This message comes directly from the desk of Matthew Miller, the Fedora Project Leader. — Ed.]

This “love letter to the community” started in 2020 as a way to shine a little light in a very dark time, and to encourage everyone — including me — by reminding us all of the great work done by great people in Fedora. But it’s become one of my favorite things to do all year. We’re no longer just trying to get through a dark time. We’re looking forward to an exciting era in Fedora’s future.

The work we did this year sets a great foundation for building our future. I don’t just mean the Fedora Linux 36 and 37 releases, although we should definitely be proud of those. But there’s a continued sense of excitement around the community. We’re growing and bringing new energy.

This year, Nest With Fedora grew even more in a time where everyone is feeling virtual event fatigue. And we introduced Hatch — regional events where you could meet with other local-ish contributors. Reading the recaps, I wish I could have gone to all of them. But it was great to spend time with some of you in Rochester. I’ve really, really missed our in-person interactions. Virtual events help keep our global community connected, and help bring in new people who might not be able to join us otherwise, but they can’t substitute for face-to-face meetups. More on that in a moment.

It’s not just a few days of events that has me excited, though. When I look around the project, I see a lot happening. The Fedora CoreOS and Cloud teams promoted their deliverables to Edition status. We wrapped up a huge revamp of our community outreach that began in 2020. The Docs team is more active than it has been in years (and they’ve added a search bar to the site!). We have a complete renovation of our websites in the works. The Marketing team is exploring new ways to promote Fedora, including a presence in the Fediverse. We’re finally almost ready to merge Ask Fedora and Fedora Discussion, bringing more of our conversations together.

That’s a lot of work for one year. The best part is how organic this work is. This wasn’t some demand from on high (that’s not how Fedora works), but it was people in the community saying “I see work to be done. I’m going to do it!” Fedora is us.

We will celebrate so much more in 2023. We’re still working on the details, but we expect to have a greater in-person experience next year, including funding for hackfests and the return of Flock to Fedora! And of course, it’s the 20th anniversary of Fedora. The world — and the technology that drives it — has changed so much since then. But our values haven’t. The Fedora community remains an inclusive, welcoming, and open-minded community. I’m proud to be a part of it. Happy new year, everyone!

Fedora Project community


  1. Gernot Kleiter

    Time to say thanks to Red Hat and Fedora! I use Fedora (formerly Red Hat) for about 25 years now, always reliable and updating to current standards.

    I am a retired professor at Salzburg University, still writing papers with Latex or writing programs in Go (after many years of several other languages).


    Voy ha probar

  3. ArtūrasB.

    Thank you for the FOSS software you deliver to my desktop PC and laptops. Thank you for making generic computing available to end users.

  4. Heliosstyx

    Thank for your excellent report and for the future outlook of Fedora and its community. Mr. Miller, you are an important person for the whole project, because you spread an optimistic and realistic spirit for the whole project as project leader and your art of communication is understood around the world and so different cultures are connected easy.

  5. Well I share your thoughts about FEDORA.
    But, I need assistance in installing FEDORA. My problem is with the
    HD setup???? Instructions written for CODERS…Not users / NONE CODES. Don’t have any problems with other versions of Linux….Only
    FEDORA….their latest Distor’s
    Back in the FEDORA 20, 23 era…No problem installing the new Distro…
    with regard to HD etc. NOT with 35, 36, 37. My install hits a BIG BRICK
    WALL??? Can’t get past it??????
    Oh yes, another thing. My printer Brother HL-2140 Printer has never
    worked on ANY distor of FEDORA. All it does is FF all my paper out of the
    printer…NEVER PRINT???

    Anyway, you probably don’t want to be bothered with the likes of me…
    But, I do really like the looks and feel of FEDORA…Just can’t get any help
    with my FEDORA installation problems. Oh yes, I know read the manual
    Like I said written for CODERS….Not USERS.

    If you know of someone that would be willing to help me get FEDORA
    installed on my HP AIO PC and my printer – printing….Please let me know.

    Love to be part of the FEDORA Family??

    Best 73,
    Hal, W4OE
    P.S. I’ll use my age as an excuse…hi hi hi hi…be 85 next month…but, still
    going strong….this week…that is???

    • Grandpa Leslie Satenstein, Montreal,Que

      You are just 3 years older than me. BTW, I have not had any issues with Fedora and my Brother printer (2270 model that is looked at as a 2250 by Fedora installer).
      Your HP probably has drivers for a model of printer that is named differently from the one you own. Google your printer driver and look for drivers.

    • Jeffersonian

      I have use Fedora (and redhat before) since…the last century !
      It is a very good, robust & stable distro.
      I use the MATE desktop, because it is the cleanest most functional of all the desktops (XFCE is good too), not bloated, with all the widgets I need (so far).
      I really dislike GNOME 3 : bloated, never finished.
      I don’t use the KDE desktop, superb, but bloated too, mostly candy for the eyes.
      All the KDE apps work fine on MATE. (out of the box!)
      Desktop LxQt never finished, years in.. fun but not fully usable yet.

      And yes, Fedora is not so easy to install, unless you have used it for a long time, which is indeed a weakness. The Anaconda installer is not so great, but “does the job”. (A new version is in the pipe).

      The documentation is not bad… if/when you know :
      1) how to find
      2) how to use it
      Which is indeed a catch 22 ! Would not be bad for someone to write a good user manual though !

      The HP and Brother printers are very well supported, even the models with WIFI and scanner !
      Mine is a Brothee DCP-1622WE, works just fine.

      On Fedora 37, I reinstalled it using the Linux Driver there :

      To install or reinstall “Fedora-MATE_Compiz-Live-x86_64-37” using bittorent (most reliable), get the ISO from ->
      Validate it (shasum256 –ignore missing THE-CHECKSUM-FILE)

      Then copy it onto a Ventoy formatted flash-drive… (Te est way !)

      Install Fedora with :
      /boot on an XFS partition (btrfs did not work, may be now it does) 500 MB
      / on btrfs
      /home btrfs with a subvolume (so in case you need to reinstall the system, you keep it intact)

      When the system is up, connected to the internet you have more work to do:

      1) CLI -> sudo dnf update -y
      2) In Firefox, go to
      Add free and non-free

      3) dnf -C grouplist
      sudo dnf groupinstall “Sound and Video” # Indispensable for proper sound functioning.
      sudo dnf groupinstall “MATE Applications”

      Note: in Fedora the GUI for S/W update and install is mediocre.
      Just use dnf, like this :
      dnf -C search
      dnf info
      sudo dnf install packagename

      dnf, allows wild cards, has many useful options !

      Apps : I usually add
      * the okular (best pdf reader)
      * oxygen-cursor-themes
      * gvim (easier to use vim GUI front-end)
      * Latex good stuff , poorly documented again !

      I realize some are opinions, but tyhey still may help, I hope., and that should get you “on the saddle”, and perhaps will you write a great user manual for Fedora 37 ?

      Good Luck !

    • Tormod Jahren

      To install the HL-2140 printer download the driver tool from here:
      then follow the instructions. You have to use the command line to install it.
      Web page explains:
      Download the tool.(linux-brprinter-installer-...gz)

      The tool will be downloaded into the default “Download” directory.
      (The directory location varies depending on your Linux distribution.)
      e.g. /home/(LoginName)/Download

      Step2. Open a terminal window.

      Step3. Go to the directory you downloaded the file to in the last step. By using the cd command.
      e.g. cd Downloads

      Step4. Enter this command to extract the downloaded file:
      e.g. gunzip linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.3-1.gz

      |||Optional: (Step5. Get superuser authorization with the “su” command or “sudo su” |||command.) You can drop this step.

      Step6. Run the tool:
      sudo bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.3-1 HL-2140

      Step7. The driver installation will start. Follow the installation screen directions.

      When you see the message “Will you specify the DeviceURI ?”,
      For USB Users: Choose N(No)
      For Network Users: Choose Y(Yes) and DeviceURI number.

      The install process may take some time. Please wait until it is complete.

      Tormod Jahren

  6. Great job all team!
    Hard work with great results. At really Amazing results!
    Not just with Fedora but with co-lab with Gnome and the results are so UIsfaction with new visual, engine and integration with Fedora.
    Thanks a lot to work in the best Linux Distro All Times.

  7. Kaylie

    Another good year for Fedora! I’m exited to see what will come up next year, especially the proposed switch to DNF5 in Fedora 39 late 2023. 🙂

  8. Emre

    Thanks to everybody for these great foss operating systems, I am exciting and wondering whats new when every release. We love fedora and its team <3. Happy new year to all community.

  9. Darvond

    Well, cheers for 20 years of Fedora, for sure. Having poked around since Fedora 17, and fully settled in after some distro hopping on Fedora 25, I do genuinely wish to thank the team for their hard work in giving a stable bleeding edge system.

    There are a lot of things I like about the way Fedora conducts itself as a development platform. Gnome is not one of those.

    I have long harped on Gnome and how their staff seem to treat the rest of the world as if we’re all unlearned simpletons, who in spite of offering solutions over 20 years to fix a single simple design flaw were all met with a varied amount of unenthusiastic replies.

    Same thing with GTK4 and Adwaita, where they’ve now chosen a “my way or get off my boat” methodology of interface design, presumably hoping to strongarm everyone into conforming to an impractical standard which doesn’t actually solve any of the issues the GTK has. (Such as having bet the farm that netbooks and touchscreen kiosks were the wave of the future when that didn’t happen.)

    I tend to think of Gnome as the Skyrim of desktops. All the points it garners in favor seem to largely come from extensions and addons, while the baseline experience is paltry, quaint, and more than a little prone to bugs that have no logical reason to exist.

    Thankfully, this has lead to some healthy competition, including Cosmic/ICED which to put it in a very blunt matter, is the most I’ve been excited for Desktop Environment in literal years. In a quarter the time it took Gnome3 to become a functional desktop (again). Cosmic has now presented itself as an alpha desktop.

    It is my hope that for the future, Fedora takes a long look at the history of the system and considers who to work with and sponsor; who is leading useful development instead of sitting around in a crystal castle, philosophizing all day. Wanting less a dogma that forgot their major statement as a development platform, and more a proper platform that aims to work with all.

    I truly do enjoy Fedora, and am always enthusiastic to see the upcoming changes the staff have chosen to raise the banners of. I just don’t think Gnome is the Champion to desire anymore.

  10. Giuliano

    Where to find the VIDEO, ALL about ” know how”, from start to finish, explain every instaled program how to works without any problems ?

    • Darvond

      I’m going to assume EaSL, and put it very bluntly that to explain “every installed program” and “how to work without any problems” would be insurmountable.

      In short, you’re asking someone to explain everything from init to joke programs like sl. And that’s not even starting to branch into the nearly 40 year history of programs that run on X.

      Then you ask how to work them all without any problems which just isn’t how software works. Even the most hardened program will be prone to errors if user input is expected.

  11. Dear Fedora team. I am a broadcast director. Resolve works flawlessly in Fedora distribution as well as Houdini and Fusion and other pro software. It is stable and reliable, and it works all the time. Hats off dear Fedora people. I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  12. N Sridhar

    Yes, I have been with Red Hat/Fedora since 1999 I think!! In spite of many teething issues with every version, I have always found solutions to overcome the problem. With Fedora, I know that anything that is latest will come to me for sure. Cinnamon… I just love it!
    Always exciting to install the new versions with new features, capabilities, Technologies and more. Gives great pleasure to see everything that can be done in my language Kannada.

    Thanks to the whole team.

  13. Brian

    I’ve been using Fedora since Fedora Core1. I’ve had occasional problems, and twice had to reinstall. Fedora 36 installed — no problem. 2 weeks later on a simple update, systemd failed completely. I could log in to boot. Boot failed with no access to anything including virtual desktops or recovery mode — no access no systemd. I’ve been using Debian on another partition in the meantime. Attempted to download a fresh copy of Fedora 37 from Fedora’s own site and got this —–

    gpgv –keyring ./fedora.gpg *-CHECKSUM

    gpgv: Signature made Thu 10 Nov 2022 12:56:12 PM MST
    gpgv: using RSA key ACB5EE4E831C74BB7C168D27F55AD3FB5323552A
    gpgv: Good signature from “Fedora (37)
    # sha256sum -c *-CHECKSUM
    Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-37-1.7.iso: OK
    sha256sum: WARNING: 19 lines are improperly formatted

    My question now is —
    Is this package safe to use, or has Fedora 37 been compromised ?

  14. Brian

    Which leads to another question — Is “Systemd ” actually better or more stable than “SysVinit” or one of the other available init systems or has Fedora created it’s own self-destruct system? Systemd failed and I have NOTHING to work with. P.S. — I had backed up my system before the upgrade to Fedora 36. After everything seemed to be working right, I removed it. One update later, and I have nothing. I can’t do anything with it. Fortunately I did NOT encrypt my personal data and was able to recover that.

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