Here are some more details ::
What does sponsorship mean?
It means, Fedora Project will subsidize or reimburse your cost for travel and/or accommodation.
How to apply?
Read this guide and file a ticket here. You need a Fedora account to apply.
Am I eligible?
Typically, if you are a Fedora contributor who is planning to present a talk or organize a hackfest or a workshop, you will be considered eligible. However if you are unsure or you feel that you have a good justification, go ahead and apply anyway. There is a much better of chance of getting sponsored if you request!
Will everyone who applies get sponsorship?
Probably not. We will do our best to sponsor contributors who are within APAC to attend the event. We can potentially subsidize the costs of some non-APAC participants but our budget is tight. We would love to bring a global community to the FUDCon and welcome everyone to participate but we have to do it within the budget we have been granted.
How will I know I am getting sponsored?
We will update your ticket when we make a decision.
How will you decide who gets sponsored?
Please see sponsoring event attendees wiki page for more information.
When is the deadline?
April 30th, 2015. We will keep it open for a while more if we can but don’t wait to apply. You have a much higher chance of being sponsored if you apply early while funds are available.