Best of 2017: command line & terminal articles

It has been a full year here at the Fedora Magazine, and now it is nearing its end, we are looking back at some of the awesome content from our contributors. We feature many articles throughout the year that are focused on helping people get the most out of the command line. Here are some of the best articles from our contributors that cover command line tips and tricks.


Taskwarrior is a flexible command-line task management program, allowing you to manage your TODO list from the command line. This article covers the basic commands, a handful of more advanced commands, as well as some basic configuration settings.


Getting Started with Taskwarrior


If you write or maintain non-trivial bash scripts, you might want to check out this article. Argbash is a utility to make bash scripts accept command-line arguments in a standard and robust way.

Improve your Bash scripts with Argbash

Voice synth from the command line

Add speech to your Fedora system

GNU Nano

Learn the basics of Nano, a minimalist console text editor.

GNU nano: a minimalist console editor

Try the Tilix terminal emulator

If you’ve been in a terminal for a while and want to try something new, why not look at Tilix? Tilix is a tilable emulator that lets you split your terminal windows in different ways at once. It also follows the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines to be as user-friendly as possible. Learn how to get started with Tilix in Fedora 26 in this article.

Try Tilix — a new terminal emulator in Fedora

The header image for this post contains Laurel Wreath created by Gabriella Fono from the Noun Project & the command prompt icon created by Arthus Shlain from the Noun Project.

Fedora Project community

1 Comment

  1. mendeza

    Coming from iTerm2 on macOS, which I like for its multi-pane capability, I’ve found Tilix to be the most analogous. Much easier than tmux for a multi-pane terminal UX. Like it a lot!

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