What’s new in Fedora 25 Workstation

Fedora 25 Workstation is the latest release of our free, leading-edge operating system. You can download it from the official website here starting tomorrow. There are several new and noteworthy changes in Fedora Workstation.

GNOME 3.22

The default environment comes courtesy of the GNOME community. They’ve put a great deal of effort into the newest 3.22 release. Examples of improvements include:

  • Multiple file renaming in the Files app
  • Integrated compressed file capabilities in Files
  • New, redesigned keyboard settings tool
  • Revamped landing page in the Software app
  • Easier category browsing in Software
  • Variable speed playback in Videos
  • …and much more!

Wayland display server

Wayland now replaces the old X11 display server by default. Its goal is to provide a smoother, richer experience when navigating Fedora Workstation. Like all software, there may still be some bugs. You can still choose the old X11 server if required. After selecting the login user, use the settings icon to switch. But this newer display server is designed to keep up with the modern OS and hardware.

Fedora Media Writer

The new Fedora Media Writer makes it easier than ever to download and install Fedora Workstation. You can also use it to download and install other Fedora editions, Spins, or Labs. This tool helps you find and download the current Fedora release and write to removable media like a USB stick. You can then “test drive” the OS live. If you like the experience, you can then install Fedora to your system. While Live USB has been around for a while, the Fedora Media Writer is a highly polished and user-friendly experience.

MP3 decoding support

This release includes a plugin for MP3 decoding such as playing music. If you play a MP3 file from your collection, GNOME Software detects it and helps you install the plugin.

Flatpak support

For developers, Fedora 25 Workstation introduces improved Flatpak support. These enhancements now make it easier to install, update and remove Flatpak software. The improvements make this application packaging standard more user friendly.

Extensions don’t expire

Finally, GNOME Shell extensions are no longer compatibility checked against the GNOME Shell version. This check was required in the early days of GNOME 3 because interfaces underneath were changing quickly. Now these interfaces have stabilized. So your extensions will work better from release to release.

Other notes

These are only some of the improvements in Fedora 25. Fedora also gives you access to thousands of software apps our community provides. Many have been updated since the previous release as well.

The Fedora 25 release is scheduled for availability tomorrow, Tuesday November 22!

New in Fedora


  1. Cory Hilliard

    Thank you to everyone involved in making this the best Linux-based desktop OS ever.

    I’m still more of a fan of the Cinnamon Desktop Environment, as I don’t have a touch enabled screen. So the mouse-driven style of navigation with taskbar works best for me.

    Fedora/Cinnamon is the best of both worlds, so thank you for giving me options and allowing me to choose what best suits my work style.

  2. Fulvio

    Hi.. I´m new in Fedora Linux…. I would like to know how I upgrade my current (24) version for Fedora 25

  3. AbdulMuaz Aqeel

    Thanks for the great work you’re doing in Fedora Linux System.
    The best environment for everything such as development, desktop work, programming and a lot of other things…

    But I really have to say this…Fedora has no much support in Devices Hardware…for example when I tested Ubuntu on my Laptop for the first time I didn’t have to define the devices drivers ! Because they’re already set by Ubuntu Hardware Support..!

    So I really hope you care about this serious case…Fedora should support many many of device drivers…
    and that’s all…

     Thanks For The Developing Department in Fedora :)
  4. Nicolas Francois

    Nice job, Fedora is the best OS for me 😉

    Will the ARM version (for raspberry pi and others) be available at the same time of the other version?

  5. Prasad Patil

    Fedora I love it, Gnome desktop environment <3. Started using Fedora 24 and looking forward to get best experience from Fedora 25. Hope Wayland will work efficient.

  6. Markus S

    Small editorial errors:

    We’ve got you coveredWayland

    Not sure “We’ve got you covered” was intended to be there.

    This release includes a codec for MP3 decoding

    Actually, the term codec also means encoder (“codec” = “coder / decoder”). A “codec decoder” is redundant. Just correct it to “MP3 decoding out of the box”.

  7. Konstantin

    Thanks a lot for this awesome and free OS. I started few months ago with F24, and there is no turning back to Windows.

    Is there any other crucial change considering the system or the kernel?

  8. Nauris

    Can’t wait. Upgrading from F21. Does any mirror already has ISO available?

  9. Roger H

    I gave the Fedora Media writer a test spin and it worked perfectly.

  10. uens

    i’ve been using fedora 25 for like a week now and almost everything works fine on my Lenovo Yoga 710. But i had to disable ACPI for my laptop to boot and also after the installation the touch screen does not work.

  11. Rafael Castellar das Neves

    Can’t wait!!! 🙂

  12. Leslie Satenstein

    I am excited about the new Fedora 25. I have been using the beta version since the day it was released.

    If you can, can you please please please post a link to the new “Fedora Media Writer”.

    I would like to have that software installed today, in anticipation of downloading the F25 version within the next week.

    Found it with

    sudo dnf install media-writer (Fedora 24).

    I always keep /home and reinstall, and media-writer looks interesting since, during the duration I use Fedora24 I install too many programs that I use once and never again.

  13. Slayr

    Does this release incorporate Gnome with Wayland using Nvidia proprietary driver ? I can’t wait to make the switch from Ubuntu once that’s in place.

  14. Khalid Thaha

    I am using Fedora 24 and I love to use it in my day to day office work. Would like to upgrade to Fedora 25..

  15. Duane W

    What time is the release scheduled for?

  16. yuri

    where is the Fedora 25 download rul?

  17. Great Job!

    An article in Greek for F25 Release: http://wp.me/p3HF9I-1fd

    We are waiting for the mirrors to be updated with new ISO images.

    The Official download Page still lists the 24 version.

  18. Artem

    Here is 22nd of November. What time is the release will come out?

  19. Peter

    Thanks for your hard work. KDE user here, hope to get wayland one day too 😉

  20. cong

    I cannot upgrade it. Does anyone know how to resolve it?

    Detailed errors from the package manager follow:

    Error running transaction: file /usr/lib64/libBasicUsageEnvironment.so.1.0.0 conflicts between attemped installs of live555-2016.10.21-1.fc25.x86_64
    file /usr/lib64/libUsageEnvironment.so.3.1.0 conflicts between attemped installs of live555-2016.10.21-1.fc25.x86_64
    file /usr/lib64/libgroupsock.so.8 conflicts between attemped installs of live555-2016.10.21-1.fc25.x86_64
  21. Matt Gilbert

    Fedora / Wayland / Gnome / Cinamon hmmmmmm………thanks but no thanks, I’ll stick with Slackware / KDE / XFCE / LXDE etc etc :)))

  22. Adam P.

    Does Wayland support remote desktop/VNC yet?

  23. Elizabeth

    Back when I used to use Ubuntu, people would say “of course you can use the version update tool, but you’ll accumulate errors, you’re much better off doing a fresh install”. (This is of course a pain!)

    Is there any truth to that in this case? I do have some buggy behaviour, and need to restart Gnome a couple of times a day, often after unsuspend. Is there any reason for me not to just upgrade the simple way?

    • @Elizabeth: Since the process is more or less just a special form of dnf/rpm updates, there’s not a strong reason to avoid it. I’d say, go for it.

  24. Thanks Fedora Team…

    I published Turkish annoucement my forum: http://webmaster.bbs.tr/showthread.php/11874-fedora-25-duyuruldu

  25. We do have couple of more feature. Unicode 9.0 [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Unicode_9.0] compatibility and Emoji typing [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/IBus_Emoji_Typing] support.

  26. UTOM

    +1) Visually elegant and smooth
    +2) Evidently fast
    +3) Functionally significantly improved

    Almost everything works fine but
    -1) Cairo mingled
    -2) Eclipse crashed
    -3) Automatic adaptation to verical display deaf

    Time-To-Retreat: 2h

    I look forward to my second approach. Maybe next month.

  27. Aneeq

    has the support for switchable/dual graphics been successfully addressed? If so how do I enable them on my laptop? Using Dell 5559 6th gen, with swtichable Radeon graphics card

  28. Manuel Colunga-Hernandez

    Seems to be a NO-Go! I put in my root pwd and hit install and NOTHING! Just ‘crickets’… what gives?

  29. Hi!

    Im always sooper curious when i see/hear about the new Fedora BETA!

    And I never can wait for something “final” so since version 15 (here I stepped over from ubtuntu) I traditionally install Fedora in the evening from USB and play arround with the new features and everything under the hood through the night 🙂 So it happens for my last night!

    When i also refresh my App and Folder Environment it’s like a phoenix-rebirth for my Computer and, as i work alot with it, also for me!

    So very big thanks for Linux in generall: It’s soooo damn easy to move Files and Settings to a fresh OS and also to install your Apps in a fresh OS!
    And very big thanks for Fedora. You’ve attached the very best pieces to a powerfull and sexy distribution!!!

    IN LOVE,

    • Thanks Thomas! We’re glad to hear you’re loving Fedora. Happy upgrades, and enjoy the latest and greatest in Fedora 25. 🙂

  30. goodjob

    Now only thing left to do is make it as easy to install MS fonts as ubuntu does and you have a winner

  31. The link to flatpak is broken, gives SSL error in Firefox 50 on Fedora 24.

    But if you change it to flatpak.github.io you get no SSL warning and you’re redirected to flatpak.org without ssl.

    Thanks for another release of what I as an experienced sysadmin and Linux consultant consider to be the most stable and secure Linux distro. 🙂

  32. Denis

    How do i activate 3D support for amd rx 480 on Fedora 25?

  33. lani lao

    Creative writing . I was enlightened by the specifics ! Does someone know if my business could get a fillable DS-11 document to work with ?

  34. David

    Error when trying to download the Fedora 25 package in Fedora 24:

    Error running transaction: file /usr/lib64/libmpg123.so.0 from install of mpg123-libs-1.23.8-3.fc25.x86_64 conflicts with file from libmpg123-1.23.6-40.fc24.x86_64
    file /usr/lib64/libout123.so.0.1.4 from install of mpg123-libs-1.23.8-3.fc25.x86_64 conflicts with file from libmpg123-1.23.6-40.fc24.x86_64

    • @David: Try using the

      dnf --allowerasing


      • David

        Hi Paul, thanks for the advice.
        Unfortunately, this did not help. Nevertheless, the problem disappeared. But I still can’t download the Fedora 25 update, this new error appeared:

        Cannot download x264-libs-0.148-6.20160912git3f5ed56.fc24.x86_64.rpm: All mirrors were tried; Last error: Curl error (37): Couldn't read a file:// file for file:///var/cache/PackageKit/25/metadata/unitedrpms/x264-libs-0.148-6.20160912git3f5ed56.fc24.x86_64.rpm [Couldn't open file /var/cache/PackageKit/25/metadata/unitedrpms/x264-libs-0.148-6.20160912git3f5ed56.fc24.x86_64.rpm]
      • Florian


        even if i add the –allowerasing to the dnf-command the error still appears the same way and prevents me form updating to F25. Is there anything else I can try?

  35. Peer

    Thanks Fedora team for all your efforts, Fedora still runs smooth the last 15 years I am using it! F25 installed smoothly and looks fine. Keep Fedora going, thanks a lot!

  36. Richard Gillian

    I recently installed ‘Fedora (4.5.5-300.fc24.x86_64) 24 (Workstation Edition)’ on my elderly host and it works well. I have installed two later Fedora offerings, neither of which will boot. They are
    Fedora (4.8.6-201.fc24.x86_64) 24 (Workstation Edition)
    Fedora (4.8.10-300.fc25.x86_64) 25 (Workstation Edition)

    I would like to ask for help, but am not sure where to do so. I expect it would be useful to provide details of my hardware, but I don’t know what details to provide. As the failing versions do not boot, I am wondering if I can access the logs from my working installation.

  37. Palak

    why we have not find the wine in fedora software update categories

    • I’m not quite sure of your question. Are you asking why it’s not available in the Software Center? That’s because it’s not really an application — it’s just enabling technology. You can install it from the command line, or you can find PlayOnLinux (a graphical front-end for Wine) in Software.

  38. Ruggero


    It is a really solid and pleasant distribution!

    I have fun to work with Fedora.
    Had enough of other non free OS, Fedora did help me to convince the family
    that Linux is easy to use, so we switched to Fedora for good ;).

    Thanks from us!


  39. ron

    no reboot,what next ,go back 24

  40. ron

    doing clean install of 24, then try 25 again

  41. Die Hard Fedora User here. I’ve been using Fedora before the “Fedora Core” editions when it was just called “Red Hat Linux” 🙂 Good Jobs guys, keep it up and don’t stop!

  42. The problem is that Wayland has some problems yet to be solved.
    I did a clean installation of Fedora 25 and had to switch Wayland over to Xorg because many applications do not open, like GParted, GEdit, among others.
    When I open the terminal it gives this error: (gedit: 6452): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to get the GNOME session proxy: The name org.gnome.SessionManager is not owned

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