Earlier this week, Mozilla released version 68 of the Firefox web browser. Firefox is the default web browser in Fedora, and this update is now available in the official Fedora repositories.
This Firefox release provides a range of bug fixes and enhancements, including:
- Better handling when using dark GTK themes (like Adwaita Dark). Previously, running a dark theme may have caused issues where user interface elements on a rendered webpage (like forms) are rendered in the dark theme, on a white background. Firefox 68 resolves these issues. Refer to these two Mozilla bugzilla tickets for more information.
- The about:addons special page has two new features to keep you safer when installing extensions and themes in Firefox. First is the ability to report security and stability issues with addons directly in the about:addons page. Additionally, about:addons now has a list of secure and stable extensions and themes that have been vetted by the Recommended Extensions program.
Updating Firefox in Fedora
Firefox 68 has already been pushed to the stable Fedora repositories. The security fix will be applied to your system with your next update. You can also update the firefox package only by running the following command:
$ sudo dnf update --refresh firefox
This command requires you to have sudo setup on your system. Additionally, note that not every Fedora mirrors syncs at the same rate. Community sites graciously donate space and bandwidth these mirrors to carry Fedora content. You may need to try again later if your selected mirror is still awaiting the latest update.
On my Fedora 30 installation it doesn’t seem Firefox 68 is available yet… mmm 🙁
Aurelie: Doesn’t seem to be available for Fedora 29 yet either, so it seems like the author jumped the gun a smidge.
Hi Todd,
I’ve tried again later and it was available. Thanks 😉
Still not available for me on F29 either…. Has it not been released yet?
Paul W. Frields
See response to Richard below.
Sudhir Khanger
How can I stop Firefox from opening https://start.fedoraproject.org/ page as Firefox Home? Fedora shouldn’t hardcode this instruction and if it does then it should provide a way to override it. This breaks firefox when I expect to see see Firefox Home Content as part of Firefox Default but ends up seeing Fedora start page.
You could set Firefox homepage preference at “about:preferences#home” though.
change the config home page it’s easy inside firefox go to preferences, select the home icon from left menu and set your favorite home page
@Sudhir Khanger, that’s easy. Just go to Preferences -> Home and set “Homepage and new windows” and “New Tab” to “Blank Page”.
By the way: I’m on Fedora Rawhide 31 and my Firefox is still 67 . There were some updates in the package (dnf) this morning but no Firefox-Update. 🙁
So you can change your startpage:
1. Open the website you want to have as your start page.
2. Move it to the house-symbol next to the refresh button.
If you need further instructions see here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-to-set-the-home-page
Hi, apart of the Preferences way, you may just type in the bar about:home, it will display the home, then drag the tab to the house icon and confirm.
Maybe you can set the homepage at about:preferences#home
Piotr Wierzbicki
It’s not hardcoded, it’s customized. You can go to Preferences->Home and change your homepage.
You can set your Firefox Homepage preference at about:preferences#home
Richard Shadbolt
I update every day, and firefox is not updating as of 16th July 2018. I used the refresh option. I checked using the info option of dnf :
From repo : updates
So, does the updates have the relevant addition/changes ?
Paul W. Frields
If you’re on Fedora 29, the firefox package is still stuck in testing, because no one has contributed the last test vote needed to move it forward. This is something users can help with, so it’s disappointing not to see it happen for a well used package like this. But partly this is because so many contributors move to the latest Fedora when it’s out. If you want to see the F29 update sooner, consider contributing to testing.
Richard Shadbolt
Thanks for the feedback. I usually contribute to bugzilla when possible. I do not have a spare machine for testing – i do want to keep the existing PC as stable as possible.
Paul W. Frields
Remember that you can try a testing update, and then ‘dnf downgrade’ to return to a stable package if there are problems.
Native dark GTK theme compatibility is awesome! 😀