Contribute at the i18n, Release Validation, CryptoPolicy and GNOME 43 Final test weeks for Fedora Linux 37

kernel 6.13 test week

There are 4 upcoming test days/weeks in the coming weeks. The first is Wed 31 August through Wed 07 Sept. It is to test Pre-Beta Release Validation. The second is Tuesday 6 Sept through Monday 12 Sept. It focuses on testing i18n. The third is Monday 5 Sept the Crypto Policy test day. The fourth is Wed 7 Sept through Wed 14 Sept to test GNOME 43 Final. Please come and test with us to make the upcoming Fedora 37 even better. Read more below on how to participate.

Pre-Beta Release Validation

Fedora Linux is foremost a community-powered distribution. Fedora Linux runs on all sorts of off-the-shelf hardware. The QA team relies on looking at bugs and edge cases coming out of community-owned hardware, so testing pre-release composes is a crucial part of the release process. We try to fix as many of them as we can! Please participate in the pre-beta release validation test week now through 7 September. You can help us catch those bugs at an early stage. A detailed post can be found here

GNOME 43 Final test week

GNOME is the default desktop environment for Fedora Workstation and thus for many Fedora users. As a part of the planned change, the GNOME 43 Final will land on Fedora which then will be shipped with Fedora Linux 37. To ensure that everything works fine The Workstation Working Group and QA team will have this test week Wed 7 Sept through Wed 14 Sept. Refer to the GNOME 43 test week wiki page for links and resources needed to participate.

i18n test week

i18n test week focuses on testing internationalization features in Fedora Linux. The test week is Tuesday 6 Sept through Monday 12 Sept.

StrongCryptoSettings3 test day

This is a new and unconventional test day. The change, however small, will have impacts across many areas and we want our users to spot as many bugs as we possibly can. The advice is to use exotic VPNs, proprietary chat apps, different email providers and even git workflows. These can be tested with some advice which can be found here. This test day is Monday 5 Sept.

How do test days work?

A test day is an event where anyone can help make sure changes in Fedora Linux work well in an upcoming release. Fedora community members often participate, and the public is welcome at these events. If you’ve never contributed before, this is a perfect way to get started.

To contribute, you only need to be able to download test materials (which include some large files) and then read and follow directions step by step.

Detailed information about both test days is available on the wiki pages mentioned above. If you’re available on or around the days of the events, please do some testing and report your results.

Come and test with us to make the upcoming Fedora 37 even better.

Events Fedora Project community


  1. I am available to QA this release next week. There are some issues with the following release: Fedora Linux 38 (Workstation Edition Prerelease) with Gnome 43 Beta. I look forward to going to gnome

  2. Heliosstyx

    It’s always the same with the links to the wiki’s: the documents are often outdated, have incomplete description, have missing download links and the most important thing they are hard to understand for new contributors. It’s time to redesign this wiki article; write it clearer, provide all necessary links etc.

    Forget this comment, if you are only interested in experienced testers, otherwise please improve the wiki’s soon. I am sure you will get more engaged testers.

    • sumantrom


      I am sorry you had to face such a thing. To clarify something, this post is more an announcement. In most cases, we like to give testers the most recent build, hence the links are usually updated 1day before the test day/week starts. That’s also one reason why our Kernels, Gnome and few others have “week” time frame to test and not a day. It will be a great help to know, what will be your feedback around wiki redesign .

      • heliosstyx

        High sumantrom!

        my feedback are hints what can be done better in the wiki concerning testing etc.:

        the wiki’s should always be up-to-date
        The wiki’s should also be written for newbies in testing
        The wiki’s should be written in such a way to make testing very attractive for all people diving deeper into Fedora.

    • dominiksr

      I agree one hundred percent. I recently wanted to participate and fell down as I found out I can’t edit the test score to add mine in the wiki because I’m not in any group …

  3. I am greatly enjoying Fedora 36 – THANKS! I run it on a circa 1990s beige server case I rebuilt with fast AMD CPU and GPU. I also run another similar updated computer on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS – I like it fine but Fedora has a slightly nicer design. I especially appreciate that the Fedora software repository has lots of amateur radio programs now for me to learn (I just recently got my General Class license). My primary interests in retirement will be RVing, photography, amateur radio, and healthy food growing. I’d like to ditch Windows entirely because Fedora 36 and free/open software is So Much Nicer! Unfortunately, a few things like digital camera firmware update require Windows or MacOS. I may just keep shooting film, scanning it, and doing digital post production using Linux. TurboPrint allows using pro grade roll paper inkjet printers (HP, Canon, etc.) with Linux (why doesn’t Red Hat/IBM buy them?).

    I’d like to get familiar with programming software Fedora and Red Hat use. I have a BSEE in computers and have done hardware, software & systems R&D engineering in aerospace winning awards from Hughes Aircraft, Sony & Walt Disney. I have done a lot of C programming (mostly the Borland compiler), much HTML (tag slung), some C++, Assembly and Pascal in years past; and a little Fortran and Basic long, long ago. I also have a BFA with Honors from Art Center College of Design studying Film & Photography – so appreciate that Fedora has good taste in design as well as being a solidly engineered and reliable operating system. I stay pretty busy taking care of my wife who has Alzheimer’s Disease now, but in future years will hope to get more involved with Fedora which seems to me to be the smart horse to ride now. THANKS for the great efforts everyone working on Fedora has accomplished!!! I wish that “Linux Pro” and “Linux Format” magazines would cover Fedora more and have told them so.

    • Mr Grandpa Leslie Satenstein, Montreal,Que

      Welcome to the Retirement club. After the 2nd world war, I had a large number of wartime radios. It was my introduction to electronics. I was once an expert in morse code, given the very old military radios I got to play with amongst other friends with similar interests.

      • Ed Scott, N6RFG

        I got interested in shortwave radio using my Dad’s WWII era Hallicrafters SX-28. My parents thought they were putting me to bed. I’d hop out of bed to put on the headphones and turn on the radio. SDRplay is currently working on a new program for their RSPdx and other radios which will run on Linux, Windows & MacOS. It may initially be available in late 2022.

        I wish some full-frame or other pro format digital camera maker – Sony, Canon, Nikon, Hasselblad or other – would at least allow firmware upgrades using Linux. They all seem to think that supporting Windows and MacOS is sufficient. Supporting Linux, just for firmware upgrades, cannot be rocket science. Rather than need to use Windows or MacOS, I’ll prefer to shoot film, process film, scan, and use Linux and free/open photo software. High quality film cameras have faster, more fun user interfaces anyway. And view cameras still have a few huge advantages over digital cameras. TurboPrint makes pro quality inkjet roll printers usable with Linux, and most scanners work with Xsane.

        • Thomas Garai

          Hi Ed, do you have a camera model in mind? The programs binwalk and avrdude can be used for this purpose. I can have a quick loom to see what can be done.

          • Ed Scott, N6RFG

            The camera I own now is the SONY a7R IV (or ILCE-7RM4) – in the future the SONY a7S III may also interest me, and I will be watching Hasselblad models. A related topic of interest to me is color management for display, printer (HP & Canon), and scanner (Epson & HP) with Fedora Linux. I have an ancient MacBeth eye-one and its software for Windows. I’d prefer not to be dual-booting Windows and only running Fedora now as my primary distro and Ubuntu as a second choice on a few platforms.

            I had thought that only Windows and MacOS were supported for firmware updates at the Sony from reading “David Busch’s SONY a7R IV Guide to Digital Photography” (Pages 401-403)

            I am liking Fedora 36 very much so will be interested any RVing, digital photography, and amateur radio/shortwave radio topics for Fedora. THANKS MUCH for your reply!

            • Thomas Garai

              Nice camera. Looks like the updater options are limited to Windows or Mac O/S. Ive never really needed to update the firmware on my cameras, Maybe after a couple of years you might decide to buy a new one anyway. BTW Gimp is fantastic for photo touchups and many other image manipulations. Its not very intuitive to use but there is lots of documentation available.

  4. RubenToledoA


    this is very insteresting, because the keyboard fails (dont function!) on notebooks with the ryzen series 6000. There are a solution with kerrnel 6. So, its Fedora 37 come with Kernel 6.0?

    • Pavel

      You can get a Fedora 38 kernel in the meantime. I’m running it with Fedora 36 just fine.

      koji list-builds –package=kernel –after=”2022-08-25″
      koji download-build –arch=x86_64 kernel-6.0.0-0.rc3.25.fc38
      sudo dnf update kernel*.rpm

      • RubenToledoA

        Thanks for the advice! but, i cant catch howto keep nvidia driver running with kernel 6 RC2 and RC3?

  5. There is a small typo in the title (and hence also the URL slug): s/CrytoPolicy/CryptoPolicy/

    I didn’t find it (or other typos) elsewhere in the text.

  6. Mr Grandpa Leslie Satenstein, Montreal,Que

    I have had anaconda issues with all the pre-betas, provided in the link.

    Pre-betas prior to mid-August appear OK

  7. Mr Grandpa Leslie Satenstein, Montreal,Que

    I have been trying to test the Fedora 37 offerings (Everything, KDE, Cinnamon, XFCE spins) and Live ISOs.

    Sometime in early August, a Wayland or other display software change occurred that causes anaconda, to have, “easiest explanation”, semi-active snowflakes across all the input fields. It is in the anaconda setup and on reboot, in some of the fields related to the mentioned isos. Presented is a worse effect than ghosting.

    I do not have that problem when I take, as a comparison, any Fedora 36 iso, or non-Fedora distro.
    My network card is a nvidia NVA8
    I place nvidia NVA8 info here, in case it is a nvidia issue.

    I can for most iso’s install in xorg mode (zero issues, but it is xorg).

    One thing that I notice with all the beta isos.

    there is no UEFI partition1 PMAP , just a UEFI partition2 created with the Fedora Media Writer, or with GNOME’s write to disk.

    With all previous Fedora ISOs, the partition1 disk was what we clicked onto to launch the installation.

    My last test was 1 Sept 2022. I did post a RH bugzilla report.

    • Mr Leslie Satenstein

      It is likely that the reason the snowflakes appear randomly on the screen is/are due to a buffer overrun of some type.

  8. Luna bittin Jernberg

    Helping out from today, was at a Red Hat conference in Stockholm yesterday

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